Friday, December 14, 2007

Washington Square Park is a beautiful urban park in Manhattan. NYC is in an attempt to privatize it, but a group called Open Washington Square Park Coalition says no, leave the park open.

Statement Calling For Investigation of Parks Department
December 10, 2007
The Open Washington Square Park Coalition calls upon Comptroller
William Thompson to investigate the deliberate misrepresentation with
which the Parks Dept. received taxpayer funding for this unpopular
redesign scheme for Washington Square Park. If possible, we also ask
that the Comptroller’s office NOT certify the bid documents in front of
it for the $11 million Phase 1 redesign of Washington Square Park, but
instead use the subpoena powers of this office to investigate a
suspicious pattern of circumstances which have led Parks
Commissioner Adrian Benepe and his subordinates to repeatedly
deceive the New York City Council, the Community Board, and the
In addition, we call upon New York City Council Speaker Christine
Quinn and Council Member Alan Gerson to stand behind their public
letter of August 6, 2007 to Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe, and
withhold capital funding for the Parks Department until it is willing to
disclose and submit for approval a true budget and plan for
Washington Square Park.

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